To inhale rose is to inhale the love and kisses of angels.
Rose is a fragrance of angels which comes in various scents. Some are headier, some are lighter. Rose can be used to bring your consciousness closer to your angel, and to angelic self which dwells within you.
This is a fragrance of love that touches every soul, easing its sorrow, and bringing harmony and comfort.
Bulgarian Rose: gives emotional comfort and cossets you from the storm. It's sensuosly feminine. Like wearing silk next to the skin. A confidence booster, like having a secret admirer. It enlivens your heart.
Rose Maroc: is luxorious, earthy yet erotically sexual. It's warm, dark and mysterious. If you use it you had better mean it! Good for confidence and bringing out your deepest feelings.
Rose Oils Uses:
The ultimate woman's oil, Rose Otto (Rose Oil) is calming, and supportive. In my experience nothing strengthens a woman's spirit as well as true rose oil.
Rose has no parallel in treating grief, hysteria or depression.
Rose Oil is believed by many to help balance female hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle, and ease the discomforts of PMS and menopause. In Europe it is used to treat genito-urinary infections. Sexual difficulties also respond well to Rose's gentle support. It is helpful to all skin types.
tips by: Riva Karnieli, august 2009